
Trees in the fall make winter time behest Snows of winter make the canvas of autumn regress Wooden fibers taught Sheer metal stability brought Frozen lake of sand Fabric smoothed by the touch of hands Swaths of white ice sparkle and splatter as if with fire Covering hardened earth-tone landscape in proper attire The cold and ice of winter Read more…

Stained Glass Pentacles

Ebony glass mirror Lines streaking down the other side Twisted the glass paintings Deafening dark reflections Spikes of light Shards of color Kaleidoscope of feelings Sitting at the edge of silence Stained glass pentacles shimmering in the night   February 24th 2013


The darkness of night opens to the sun-touched crests of crashing waves, etching their luminescense against the leather sand. The darkness lingers on clinging to each crevice, to each seashell, to each rock. The darkness receeds but never dims. As the water touches the beach, the light touches the darkness. Read more…


I walk around the corner just to see if you're there I look at the window glass just to search for your face I keep hoping that magically you'll appear I know that you won't I know that you can't Not because you don't want to But because you're laying there thinking of Read more…


Tonight. The words flow as hard as mahogany. The strife of how to say what needs to be said; to tell you what's on my mind without speaking. All through the memory of your eyes embrace, as though I could still see and touch your face. Imagining you. I walk a Read more…


Onyx forest of fireflies grace the night sky a jewel box of colors set in soft velvet so high. Occasional luminescence of street lights show towards the heavens as insects scatter through; meteors sailing across the milky way. Once twinkling blips of tails flicker through the air inciting dream upon Read more…